Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We are blessed

Well its been a few days since I posted last, I will say that I think I may have set up my challenge to take the kids pics every day to high, so I am going to revise my challenge to take as many pictures as possible of the kids!. Today was a long day but very rewarding, din't get home until 9 but helped out my team at work when they were coming to a road block. But I got to sing Lucas his bedtime songs so i was happy, Liam had already fallen asleep. Well once again i just want to tell all of you who blog about your life and crafts and all things thank you, you are so inspiring me to do so much.
I know that I am blessed and I am so very thankful for all that we have.

Projects on the list plastic bag wreath, lima bean wreath, felt flower clips and some more paper back wreaths, i am starting to see a pattern.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging :) Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and following me. I am following back! Have a great day!

